Elenco Electronics CEO Discusses the Value of Community & Philanthropy in the Toy Industry
March 25, 2024 | When Anthony Trani left the confectionary sector and joined the toy industry two years ago as Elenco Electronic’s CEO, one of his first takeaways was that both fields thrive on the shared values of community and giving back. Shortly after assuming his role at Elenco, the maker of SNAP CIRCUITS®, he became an active member of The Toy Foundation™’s Board of Trustees, reflecting his overarching commitment to philanthropy.
To amplify his message, Trani recently sat down with Joe Tarnowski, vice president of content and global media at ECRM, to talk about how community and philanthropy are essential tools helping him grow SNAP CIRCUITS®’ business.
Trani has three young children and is passionate about building brands kids and families love and trust, recognizing that philanthropy plays a crucial role in fostering goodwill and brand loyalty, in addition to demonstrating a commitment to social responsibility.
“We’re not just selling products; with SNAP CIRCUITS® we are creating toys that provide education and creativity through play,” Trani said. “Before anyone knew where I worked, I saw a SNAP CIRCUITS® set in my daughter’s classroom and the teacher explained how much the students love trying to figure out how to get the light on or the UFO to spin up into the air. This impact our products are having was incredibly powerful to me.”
Trani also noted that philanthropy is a great way for manufacturers, retailers, and suppliers of all sizes to come together and grow a sense of community.
“Building relationships with everyone from global manufacturers and independent toy stores matters. What you say matters, the handshakes matter, and coming together matters,” Trani continued. “What better way to come together than through the gift of play?”
In addition to coming together through philanthropy, industry events similarly help build the community. Trani discussed the indispensable value of in-person meetings in an industry that is built on relationships. Networking at the Toy of the Year® Awards, exhibiting and walking the floor at The Toy Association’s Toy Fair® and upcoming LA Fall Preview, and participating at ECRM’s Toy and Learning Session are all powerful opportunities to connect with colleagues, make deals, and grow your own business and the industry overall.
“We are a small and hungry team, and these events bring tremendous value to our SNAP CIRCUITS® brand by connecting with retailers we might normally get time with to demonstrate the exciting and fun projects you can complete with each kit,” Trani said. “We’re looking forward to sharing our latest innovations at ECRM’s Toy and Learning Session and The Toy Association’s LA Fall Preview later this year.”
TTF unites the collective philanthropy of the toy industry with opportunities for small, medium, and large companies to make financial and product donations to create a greater impact to support children in need with the joy of play. To learn more and get involved with TTF visit ToyFoundation.org or contact TTF staff.