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Recipe for Fun!
Playing Tic Tac Toe with preschoolers can be a fun and engaging way to help them develop many valuable skills, such as problem-solving, decision making, fine motor skills, attention to detail, and creativity.
STEP 1: While Tic Tac Toe can be played on a pre-made board, all you need to create a board is a piece of paper and pencil or on a sidewalk with chalk for outdoor fun.
STEP 2: Make a nine-box board by drawing two lines across and then two lines down on a piece of paper, or on a sidewalk or driveway. The boxes should all be approximately the same size. The boxes should be large enough to accommodate the players to write a large “X” or a large “O” inside.

STEP 3: Have the players choose who will be playing with the symbol X and then the other player will play with “O”. The object of the game is to make a row of three Xs or Os – horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Depending upon the age of the child, they can get creative with their placements to try and block the other player’s attempts to complete their own row of three.
STEP 4: Players take turns by marking an X or an O in the empty squares.
STEP 5: The first player to get 3 marks in a row (up, down, across, or diagonally) is the winner.
STEP 6: If all 9 squares are full and neither player got a Tic Tac Toe row, the game is over, and you can start a new round!