Contact: Erin Wright 
The Toy Foundation
[email protected]

The Toy Foundation Delivers an Additional $1.5 Million in Aid to Ukrainian Refugees

More than $500,000 in Cash Grants and $1 Million in Toys Shipped to Refugee Assistance Programs in Ukraine and Europe

New York, NY | July 19, 2022The Toy Foundation’s (TTF) Ukrainian relief campaign delivered a second wave of cash grants and toys to thousands of Ukrainian refugee children and families as they continue to deal with the traumas of Russia’s war on Ukraine. Thanks to the ongoing generosity of the global play community, TTF is distributing an additional $1 million in toys and $500,000 in cash grants to refugee programs in Ukraine and surrounding European countries, including Poland, Moldova, Romania, and Lithuania, bringing the total aid delivered to more than $3.2 million in toys and cash assistance.

“As Ukrainian forces continue to defend their towns and local families and children live in danger, the toy industry’s support remains crucial,” said Pamela Mastrota, executive director of TTF. “We are grateful to be the uniting force for our industry’s collective philanthropy to result in a greater impact in delivering comfort and support to Ukrainians in need.”

In the second wave of aid, TTF is continuing to support many of the same organizations on the ground in Ukraine to further the impact of the initial donations as all have demonstrated an ongoing need. Cash grant recipient organizations include Convoy of Hope, Heart4Orphans, KIDDISVIT, Operation Compassion, Plast, and International Mental Health Consulting (IMHC), a new partner organization. Convoy of Hope, Heart4Orphans, North Star Foundation, and Operation Compassion are also receiving and distributing nearly 100,000 toys to displaced Ukrainian children.

Cash grants are being used to create humanitarian aid kits, implement educational programming and play-related activities, and offer mental health services to Ukrainian families and children.

  • Convoy of Hope (pictured) is shipping and distributing millions of meals and supplies to refugees in Ukraine, providing to some the guarantee of a week’s worth of food for the first time in months.
  • KIDDISVIT, led by Ukrainian Toy Association President Pavel Ovchynnikov, is distributing kits which include groceries, hygiene products, and toys to thousands of internally displaced families and children most affected by the war in Eastern Ukraine.
  • Plast is currently offering day camps for all age groups, development and educational lessons, afterschool “masterclass” programming for teens, and is reconstructing its bomb shelter for the safety of students.
  • IMHC is operating a counseling center to provide much-needed mental health services to Ukrainian families and children both in-person and through telehealth.

“Thank you so much for your generosity and partnership. Because of you, children and families right here in Ukraine are receiving much needed help,” said Hal Donaldson, President at Convoy of Hope. “Millions of meals and millions of dollars in emergency supplies have been distributed to both refugees and families inside Ukraine. Please know that the food and supplies you are providing is meeting urgent needs. We have to keep going. This isn’t the time to pull back. There are so many lives that are still at stake.”

TTF thanks all donors for their generous contributions, including recent contributors Brainstorm Products, Connetix Tiles, Flat River Group, FoxMind Toys & Games, Funko, Just Play, Merch Source, Smart Play, Tara Toy, Tee Turtle, Winning Moves Games USA, and Wood to Wonderful.

TTF continues to accept cash donations from individuals and companies online or by contacting TTF’s Director of Development John Fistolera. For product donations, fill out a donation form here and send it to [email protected].

Nonprofit organizations looking to receive a monetary grant or product donation may contact John Fistolera.

To learn more about The Toy Foundation’s work, visit

About The Toy Foundation

The Toy Foundation (TTF) is a 501 (c)3 children's charity whose mission is to provide philanthropic support and the vital commodity of play to children and families in need, across the country and globe. TTF's donations represent the charitable works of TTF and the toy industry. Last year, TTF provided $360K in cash grants to nearly 4 million children severely impacted by the pandemic. Since its inception in 2003, TTF's signature Toy Bank has provided $225 million in toys to more than 26 million underserved children coping with serious illness, enduring temporary home placements in the foster care system, living with domestic violence, and/or dealing with natural disasters. TTF is also broadening its mission to provide grant funding to children's hospitals to encourage healing through play and to foster a diverse and inclusive culture and pipeline of talent for the toy industry.